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Det finst utflytta Døler over alt, og i Minnesota i USA er det mange av dei. Fra 6. til 9. august 2008 skal de ha stemne saman med utflytta trønderar og hedmarkingar.

2008 Stevne

Tre Lag Stevne - August 6-9, 2008

This is a joint meeting of Gudbrandsdal Lag, Hedmark og Hedmarken Lag and Tronderlag. The 2008 Tre Lag Stevne will be exciting. The theme is "Voices of the Prairie" (Stemmer av Praerien)

Highlights of the stevne include:
* An original play "The Emigrants" performed by a group from Norway and presented at the Hillcrest Academy
* Prairie Bus Tour to the historic Phelps Mill, Underwood Log Cabin and the Underwood Church for coffee & snacks
* Craft Demonstrations of Rosemaling by Lois Mueller, VGM and Hardanger by Clarice Dieter

100th Anniverary
This year the Tronderlag will be celebrating their 100th Anniverary as a Lag. Congratulations Tronderlag.
In 2009, we will be celebrating our 100th Aniversary in St. Paul, MN. Look for more details as we celebrate 100 years of being a lag.

Dixie Hansen
Tre Lag Stevne Registrar
1411 Osceola Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55105-2312